Submission of an Application constitutes the Applicant's agreement to these Terms and Conditions and to the final decision of the Committee or the Panel, which shall be final and binding in all matters related to the Program. Participation in the Program is conditional upon the Applicant fulfilling all requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions and entry by the relevant parties into further long-form documentation described below.
1. Definitions
"Applicant” or "Applicant Team” means the individuals or teams of individuals that have submitted an Application.
"Application” means the online application form for participation in the Program as provided at the Website.
"Committee” means certain individuals appointed by the Organisers that have created and will be responsible for the management and execution of the Program.
"FAQs” means the 'Frequently Asked Questions' section relating to the Program as set out on the Website.
"Organisers” means newmoon llc ("NEWMOON”, company in creation).
"Panel” means certain individuals appointed by the Organisers to review Applications in accordance with the criteria described below and as set out in the FAQs and who shall have final determination as to which of the Applicants shall become Participants of the Program.
"Participants” means any individual or team that has been selected by the Panel to participate in the Program.
"Program” means a 6-week accelerator program known as "NEWMOON Accelerator program”, the details of which are further described in the Terms and Conditions below.
"Website" means
2. Contact
All correspondence in respect of the Program should be sent to
3. Program Dates
Newmoon runs on a rolling program, and you can apply anytime.
4. Eligibility
The Program is open to individuals or teams of individuals where the main applicant has to be at least 18 years of age. Applicants must be independent of the Organisers and as such are not eligible if they have any family member who works for or has a connection with any of the Organisers, including the Panel and/or the Committee.
The Organisers shall have discretion on any maximum team sizes and will publish this on the Website.
Each Applicant Team shall appoint one individual (the "Representative”) to represent it and act on its behalf, including submitting an Application for said Applicant Team. The Representative must be duly authorised to submit an Application on behalf of the team. The Representative represents and warrants that he/she is duly authorised to act on behalf of the Applicant Team and that the Applicant Team has read, and agrees to abide by, these Terms and Conditions. The Representative will ensure that each member of the Applicant Team participating in entering the Application, or in decisions related to the Application, complies with these Terms and Conditions.
5. Application Period
Newmoon runs on a rolling program, and you can apply anytime.
6. Application
The Organisers will consider applications from Applicants whose business covers any stage in the commerce value chain, focused on solving real problems and creating meaningful innovations that are looking for the future of the fashion and retail tech industries.
All Applicants are required to have at least a minimum viable product or prototype and some traction (whether revenue or adoption) to be eligible to apply for the Program.
Applications must be submitted through the Website by going online, clicking ‘Apply’ and following the instructions.
Applications must be completed in English. Applications may be rejected if they are filled out in any language other than English.
An Applicant may enter more than one Application. However, all Applications must be the original work of the Applicant or Applicant Team. If an individual: is a member of more than one Applicant Team; or submits more than one Application individually, Each Application that the individual is involved in must be original and therefore substantially different from other Application.